Mac OSX Leopard Redux windowblinds XP
Here are a collection of various items required for transforming your Windows XP to Mac OS X Leopard.
The pack includes:
Windowblinds 6 OSX Leopard skin by blitzr (though a few other worthy versions are out there)
Objectbar: Used Tiger 10.4 skin
Styler: Aqua Extreme Tiger is the skin used for the window toolbar.
Dock: Rocketdock is my fav out of Objectdock and rkLauncher (the icons you see i made w/ "iReflector" to achieve the leopard dock look) and a stacks docklet is used which isn't officially supported for rocketdock but apparently it does not matter for it works flawlessly = )
Dashboard: Yahoo Widget Engine ("informer" widget is what is used to display all my System Info you see along the bottom of the desktop)
Window Transparencies: An app called "bLend" which is free and allows for full adjusting of window transparencies is used (only catch: better don't run when doing something full-screen--i.e. gaming, watching videos)
iTunes: using old version cuz multiplugin doesn't cover the newer ones.......with just the basic aqua skin that's supplied with multiplugin little things tweaked such as the BLUE LED info screen with the white apple logo and rounded out the top corners to match the rest of my windows' roundedness
So is not this worth trying?
Download 5.5MB
| Aero Longhorn on XP | leopard mods on XP |